Wang An A

You might have heard that saying at some point in your life. It used to be quite common, at least it was in my little neck of the woods. It was an affirmation, a response to something your co-conversationalist had just uttered. What was said might have been profound or profane, it didn't really matter. The response, if you happened to agree with what was said, was "Wang an A." If on the other hand you disagreed, the response might have been "Man, what have you been smoking?"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy New Year, or You Say Its Your Birthday

We all celebrate the new year on a different day, namely our birthday.  I just had mine and I thought about what had happened over the course of the last twelve months.  I asked myself if I contributed something to the human race, or did I simply consume resources. I suppose it was a bit of both.

I decided to start painting the first of January, and I have since completed some 29 canvases in the past six months.  I have been a photographer most of my life, but not until recently have I ever picked up a brush. I am quite enjoying it and have made great progress in a short amount of time. I love painting and the complete freedom of expression I feel every time I begin a new canvas. Its all very different than photography, which has become pretty mundane for me. I find that when I pursue different forms of artistic expression it serves to refresh my mind, my insight, my visual vocabulary. Spending all of my time in one media is not conducive to unique, satisfying results. So I work in wood, metal, photography and now paint.

In addition to the painting I also wrote a book about growing up in my home town of Moab. It is a memoir and at the same time a philosophy of life; a collection of ideas and opinions. I'm just finishing the first round of editing and will soon put my efforts toward publication. I have four more book ideas floating around in my gray matter and I need to finish this one so I can start on the next one.  Writing is an enjoyable activity for me and I think anyone that tried it would like it. I need a publisher; can anybody out there recommend one?

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